Game 1: Captain Jack's Legacy: Trapped Under Water


In this online escape room, you’re trapped in an old shipwreck. Can you make it to the surface before you run out of air?

You’re out scuba diving, exploring an underwater shipwreck with a friend, when you get trapped inside. With only 60 minutes of air remaining, will you be able to escape alive?

$15 per person.

Game time: Approximately 60 minutes.

Behind The Game


29:16 | Team RPM

29:18 | Team Stuart

29:53 | Team 33

Additional Notable Visitors:

30:50 | The Core Seven

33:08 | AppianLife

34:36 | !

35:06 | Hivemind (with Room Escape Artists)

35:56 | Quadrumvirate

43:37 | Donuts

47:46 | Blue Herrings

48:56 | Agent November

52:44 | Flico

55:12 | Room Escape Divas

56:37 | Team BOS

60:12 | WndrBox

68:17 | Peanut and the Peasants


Game 2: Captain Jack's Legacy: Get Your Motor Running